We humans, in essence, are a race based on consumption and like any other species on this planet our survival and our progress are based on the usage of the resources we have around us.
Eat, build, chop, burn, drink, you name it. It’s a must in every part of our daily lives. We do it for our progress and we cannot stop, we just have to do it differently.
The use of our resources itself is not a standalone problem, human behaviour is part of it. On some occasions the fact that we take too much is not even the principal issue. The problem occurs when we don’t think about what we leave behind or what are we losing in the process of overconsumption.
You could say it’s easy to cut a tree and plant another one in its place and solve a part of the problem. Buy electric cars not fossil fueled powered ones. Buy recycled as much as possible and throw everything in the right rubbish bin. Use your bike for short rides or take the bus when you can and the list goes on.
A slow process of self-destruction takes place with every action that we take and we don’t even realize that this process is our product. It’s not all about tree cutting, cars, fossil fuels and plastic. It’s also about the chair that you sit on, the screen that you’re using to read this right now, the clothes that you wear and even the emails that you send.
Because Google servers don’t run on Tik Tok videos and neither our project, Vemate, but still we took the measures necessary to be a game-changing project, with 100℅ Carbon Negative transactions.
Every digital action that we make is using energy. Even though all our clicks, slides and taps use an incredibly small amount of energy we also do it a lot. Most of us every day, multiple times a day. A lot of us make a living in the digital environment and this should force a level of introspection about our action.
Questions like: “How much do we actually pollute with every action and how can we fix this? “ or “Is this really necessary or is it just my preoccupation with my comfort zone?”
It is very likely that you have seen terms like “no footprint” and “carbon-neutral”. More and more projects start claiming and taking care of their environmental footprint and this is nothing but great news!
After we resolved the issue with our carbon footprint we have searched for ways to take this action one step further and for this reason we have joined our forces with the Convert Carbon project.
Why Convert Carbon and what they do?
We chose Convert Carbon because this project stands out from the rest through taking positive and pro-active action. By entering the game with a completely new approach on the recycling industry and by implementing blockchain technology and a token rewarding system, they aim to break the gap between humans’ interest in the matter and recycling thus furthering interest and involvement in this matter.
The idea is simple. Recycle and you earn tokens. No matter how big or small your input in the process is, you will receive something back.
While most of the information that we receive every day about pollution focuses mainly on the aftermath, we have to focus more on prevention because we are well past the point of no return and all we can do now is mitigate our impact and work to reverse it.
We have to take action as soon as possible and for this, Convert Carbon is one of the best options out there.